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Husmor Fish Balls, 28oz

Regular price $10.95
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Fish balls are a classic Norwegian tradition and these Fish balls from Husmor are delightful. Typically, these Fish balls are rolled in flour, fried and served alongside gravy and potatoes. Serve as an appetizer at your next party, top with fresh herbs after frying and pair with a spicy mayonnaise for a crunchy and spicy treat. 28 oz. (drained weight 18 oz.). Product of Norway.

Ingredients: White fish (Great silver smelt (Argentina silus), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus), saithe (Pollock virens)), Water, Tapioca starch, Milk powder, Salt, Canola oil, Spices, Whey protein (from milk).

Please note: This item is perishable. Your order will be shipped in inulsated packagin with icepacks. We strongly encourage upgrading your shipping to 2nd Day Air for best quality and freshness.